U čast i znak sjećanja na našeg kolegu, prijatelja, radioamatera Krešimira Kovarik, 9A5K Chris-a, koji je nakon teške bolesti preminuo u 45. godini života, članovi Radio kluba grada Zaboka i prijatelji će od 03.05. do 10.05.2020. koristiti prigodnu pozivnu oznaku 9A1CHRIS, u tjednu njegovog rođendana 08.05.
To honour and in memory of our colleague, friend, ham-radio operator Krešimir Kovarik 9A5K aka “Chris” who, aged 45, passed away following a serious illnes, members of Zabok Radio Club and friends will activate the special callsign 9A1CHRIS from May 3th thru May 10th during the week of his birthday May 8th.
Osim što je Chris 9A5K bio izvanredan informatičar, programer, također je bio i svjetski poznat radioamater operator i prije svega takmičar. Učestvovao je u mnogim lokalnim i svjetskim takmičenjima gdje je osvajao najviša mjesta, kako kao pojedinac sa svojom pozivnom oznakom tako i u raznim ekipama diljem svijeta i matičnom klubu u Zaboku 9A0Z. Bio je učesnik nekoliko radioamaterskih prvenstava svijeta sa vrhunskim rezultatima te član više DX ekspedicija .
Besides being an outstabding IT engineer and programmer, Chris 9A5K was also a world-renowend ham-radio operator and above all a contester. He participated in countless local and internatioanl contests winning top places, both as an individual (undre 9A5K) but also amongst top-class teams around the world and from his hometown club as 9A0Z.
He qualified to participate in several WRTC contests, securing top results and was a member of several DX-expeditions.
Tvorac je jednog od najboljih svjetskih programa za vođenje takmičarskih dnevnika veza DXLog, kojeg koristi veliki broj radioamatera u svijetu.
He was founding creator od DXLog.net, one of the world´stop contest-logging software programs, used world-over by many.
In recognition of his dedication to the ham-radio hobby and achievemnts, he was inducted to the CQ Contest hall of Fame in 2019.
Following this special week of 9A1CHRIS activity, QSOs will be published on the webpage 9a0z.com. All operators who successfully made contact will be able to download a special QSL Card.